Help support jGRASP
If jGRASP has been helpful to you, please consider making a donation to the jGRASP project. Your tax-deductible contribution of $10, $25, $100, or whatever amount is right for you, directly supports the ongoing development and distribution of jGRASP. We also welcome corporate support. Our goal for jGRASP is to provide the best lightweight IDE available. The software visualizations generated by jGRASP to improve the comprehensibility of your programs are clearly unique and at the forefront of software visualization technology.
The Auburn University Foundation through the Office of Development provides a convenient and secure method to make a tax-deductible gift online. Or, if you prefer, you may make a donation by mail to the Auburn Foundation. In either case, your gift will be acknowledged with a receipt for your tax records.
Please help us continue to improve and distribute jGRASP by making a donation.
For additional information, contact James H. Cross II, Computer Science and Software Engineering, 3101 Shelby Center, Auburn University, AL 36849-5347 (334-844-6315),